The NFL season is still in jeopardy, but this week we actually have football.  The first round of the NFL Draft took place last night and amidst all the Bud Light commercials we were treated to teams selecting the next generation of players.  It was hard not to notice Bud Light’s shameless promotion of their new new labels that drinkers can write on.  Clearly Bud Light thinks these labels are the greatest innovation since the bread slicer as there seemed to be at least one of these commercials every break.

Here at Hapa’s Brewing we always look for the silver lining and in this case we think we’ve found it.  Ladies, these new labels are actually a good thing for you.  When a guy hands you a bottle with his number scratched onto the label, you will be able to identify him as a douche bag before he even starts talking.

Another light beer gimmick, here we go… again…

Bud Light with new write-on label

The NFL Draft continues tonight at 3pm PST.  Kick back, enjoy, and treat yourself to a cold one.