Life happens sometimes, as was the case last week at Hapa’s Brewing.  Between battling various illnesses, day jobs, and good old fashioned laziness we missed last week’s Tuesday Tasting.  Well we’re back with a vengeance this week with a new Tuesday Tasting and more beer related content coming soon.

This week’s Tuesday Tasting comes to us from the aptly named Bruery in Placentia, CA.  Black Orchard is a Belgian Dark Ale boasting 5.7% ABV,

Beer pours the dark brown of cola with a slight haze.  Massive tan colored head rises to two and a half fingers before quickly dissipating.  Lacing is ample and worthy of the style.

A cornucopia of different aromas.  Dark roasted malt imparts notes of chocolate while specialty grains add caramel and breadiness.  Fruity notes include banana and orange peel.  Fresh wheat is also distinguishable as is a slight spiciness.

Fruit notes dominate upfront with flavors of red grapes, orange, and apple.  Fruitiness is countered by the dark roasted malt flavors of molasses and chocolate.  Finish has a bit of a spicy punch that reminds you of the beer’s Belgian roots.

A light to medium bodied beer.  High carbonation of the beer takes away from the overall mouthfeel and drinks almost like champaign.

Definitely a very unique beer.  It received a very mixed reaction from those who tried it but overall the consensus was this beer would not be missed (The Bruery is no longer brewing Black Orchard).  While very complex in aroma and flavor, the components didn’t seem to mesh quite right and the high level of carbonation was distracting.  Overall grade for Black Orchard: C

Up next on Tuesday Tasting: Green Flash Brewing Co. Hop Head Red