Unseasonably warm weather has settled upon San Francisco recently as if the beer Gods are telling us to enjoy a summer beer.  Saison, a style once on the verge of extinction, is just such a beer.  Traditionally, brewed with the addition of local ingredients, Saisons are characterized by complex flavor profiles ranging from fruity to tart to spicy.

Beer pours a cloudy deep golden yellow with shades of amber and orange.  A cloudy white head forms but dissipates quickly.  Lacing is quite thin.

Aroma is very complex with many different layers.  Notes of fruit include pear and citrus rind.  A musty, yeasty earthiness is also present along with spicy phenols.  Fresh cut grass and dried hay round out the beer’s complexity.

Sweet and tart fruit of green apple, pear, and sour cherries are noticed first.  The funkiness of the nose follows with some earthiness and mild lemon sourness.  Barnyard like flavors of hay and grass are also present.  Finishes with some herbal spice.

Highly carbonated in the vein of sparkling wine.  Light to medium bodied with a dry finish.  Very little alcohol presence.

This one is not going to ge for everyone; a statement that can be said for the style in general.  We’re still warming up to the idea of farmhouse / sour / spontaneously beers as our pallets have been jaded by years of big West Coast beers.  Overall Grade for Stillwater Stateside Saison: C+

Up next on Tuesday Tasting: Founders Brewing Co. Centennial IPA