It’s been a few weeks since the Hapa’s crew poured a truly big beer.  We were long over due for triple digit IBUs and vision blurring ABVs.  That trend ended this week when we popped the top off of Russian River Brewing Co.’s Pliny the Elder.  Weighing in at 100 IBUs and 8% ABV, this Imperial IPA had tongue busting hop bomb written all over it. 

The Imperial IPA is so named because of its beefed up bitterness and alcohol content; an IPA BALCO would be proud of.  The “Imperial” nomenclature is borrowed from the Imperial Stout, a beer once served to Russian royalty.  With such pedigree, expectations were high.

The beer poured a clean and bright golden color.  A creamy, finger and a half, head formed and had very good retention.  A solid amount of lacing coated the sides of the glass.

Pine and hop resin are the first smells to hit the nose.  The tongue twists in anticipation.  Sweet aromas of ripe peaches and mandarin oranges are also present.  Very little alcohol for a beer with 8%.

The sweet malt notes that hit the tongue upfront are quickly followed by a hop grenade.  Hops are strong but not harsh.  Citrus flavors are present throughout and the drinker senses all the parts of an orange: the skin, the rind, and the meat.  Hints of apricot and alcohol can be detected.

Super smooth and well balanced.  The beer is medium bodied and lightly carbonated.  Finish is slightly dry.

It’s no secret that Pliny the Elder has been given a tremendous amount of praise.  We were curious as to whether or not it could live up to the hype, and from the first sip were not disappointed.  A balanced, smooth, flavorful, complex, (insert additional adjectives), and very well made beer.  This one has raised the bar for future tastings.  Overall grade for Pliny the Elder: A

Pliny the Elder

Up next on Tuesday Tastings: Dugges Ale’s 1/2 Idjit English Porter