San Francisco is known for its Indian Summers, and this year is no exception. While the Northeast is getting hit with snow and freezing rain, the Golden Gate City has been enjoying clear skies and warm weather. While the warm weather may call for a light and refreshing beer, it just doesn’t feel right to be drinking summer ales in November. Lucky Hand Brewing Co. is kicking out a perfect beer for this time of year. Known as a Schwarzbier, Luck Hand’s Black Lager manages to pack a flavor punch while not sitting heavy in the mouth.
This is not the first of the German style beer we’ve sampled. Our last bottle of Schwarzbier hailed from Brazil so we were very excited to try a version from just up the road.
Pours a very dark brown with a hint of crimson when held to the light. An off white head sits at a single finger and lacks a strong retention. Lacing is thin.
Roasted malt, dark chocolate, and coffee are all present but the overall aromas are somewhat muted. A distinct yeast and earthy smell is present and distracts from the pleasant maltiness. A hint of fruit can be detected in the background, likely a result of warm temperature fermentation.
A drink opens up slightly sweet with dark malt and coffee. The yeast makes and appearance in the middle followed by a finish of dark chocolate, burnt toast, and a bit of hop bitterness. Fruity esters are present throughout a sip which veers from the style guideline.
Body is light to medium and feels a bit thin in the mouth. Carbonation is on the low side. Finish is slightly dry with no alcohol warmth.
An interesting take on the style. Brewed with lager yeast at warm Northern California temperatures, the beer has some of the characteristics of a California Common (think Anchor Steam). The fruity esters produced by the yeast at such temperatures are a departure from the style and take away from an otherwise good beer. Overall grade for Lucky Hand Brewing Co. Black Lager: C+
Luck Hand Black Lager
Up next on Tuesday Tasting: Deschutes Brewery Fresh Hop Mirror Pond