With its Lips of Faith Series, New Belgium Brewing has allowed itself a certain level of creative leeway. Some of these beers are brewed as collaborations with other craft breweries while others feature exotic ingredients, barrel aging, or souring. This week’s tasting has a bit of everything.
In a collaboration with Elysian Brewing Company, Lips of Faith Kick is a blend of a cranberry and pumpkin ale that has been soured and aged in wood barrels.
A bright and clear. Light golden honey in color. The two finger head is near white and pillowy. A nice layer of lacing is left on the glass.
Strong notes of sour fruit include cranberries (duh!), green apples, and unripened pears; cider comes to mind. Very little, if any, pumpkin or woodiness. Somewhat surprising from a beer whose bottle boasts its contents are brewed with pumpkin and aged in wood barrels.
Mouth puckering tartness upfront with a slight bitterness. Mirrors the flavor profile of 100% cranberry juice. Sourness fades quickly leaving behind a sweet fruity finish of apple, cherry, and some citrus. Pumpkin is curiously absent.
Light bodied with light to medium carbonation. Clean and refreshing. Alcohol at 8.5% is slightly warming.
It’s no secret that sour beers are not a favorite of the Hapa’s crew. However, this one give us pause to reconsider. Sourness is not overpowering allowing the nuances and flavor complexities to shine through. Still not sold on sour beers but this is the best we’ve had yet. Overall grade for New Belgium Brewing’s Lips of Faith Kick: B-
New Belgium Lips of Faith Kick
Up next of Tuesday Tasting: Deschutes Brewery Jubel