This week we revisit one of our favorite breweries: Grand Teton Brewing Co. in Victor, ID.  In the past we’ve reviewed Trout Hop Black IPA (a 2010 Cellar Reserve Release), Bitch Creek Extra Special Brown Ale, and Wake up Call Imperial Coffee Porter (a 2011 Cellar Reserve Release).  Today we pop the top of Sweetgrass American Pale Ale.

Beer pours a light copper orange color.  A pure white head come to rest at finger and a half.  Retention is sufficient and lacing is elegant.  A slight chill haze is present.

Refreshing and clean aromas of cut grass, pine, and hay permeate the nose.  The next layer of aromas include sweet base malt and the more robust caramel smells of roasted and specialty grains.  Lingering hop aromas of grapefruit have the mouth watering.

Sweet malt notes are build upon a foundation of refreshing, almost mineral water-like, flavors.  Caramel and light brown sugar of the malt are nicely balanced by grapefruit, apricot, and pine resin of the hops.  BItterness is relatively mellow and allows all the flavor complexities to shine.

Medium to medium-full bodied beer.  Smooth on the tongue but not chewy like a stout.  Carbonation is ample which helps keep the beer feeling light.  Very little alcohol presence.

Overall a wonderful beer.  Excellent balance allows the drinker to explore all the different flavor and aroma complexities.  That said, there’s nothing exceptional to differentiate this beer but we don’t think that should count against a very well crafted beer.  Overall grade for Grand Teton Brewing Co. Sweetgrass American Pale Ale:  B+

Up next on Tuesday Tasting: North Coast Brewing Co. Old No. 38 Stout