Summer in San Francisco doesn’t always mean summer weather which in turn means beer drinkers are free to enjoy a wide range of styles.  The usually hot summer months generally translate to lighter more refreshing beers like Blond Ales and Lagers, but as the San Francisco fog settled in over the weekend the Hapa’s crew settled down for a big Imperial Porter. 

Black Diamond Brewing, based in Concord, CA, brews their Peak XV Imperial Porter in limited batches, but we were lucky enough to score a couple 22 oz. bombers.

Very dark brown beer bordering on black.  A slight mahogany hue can been seen when held to the light.  Head settles at two fingers and is off white in color.  Head retention is impressive and leaves a solid layer of lacing.

A very inviting aroma of sweet malt mixing with chocolate and vanilla.  Light roasted notes are also present as is a bit of dark fruit – plum and fig come to mind.

A sip starts with the roasted notes of dark malt followed by individual flavor components of chocolate, vanilla, and coffee.  The overall sweetness of the beer is higher than we would have liked and could have been better balanced with more hop or dark malt bitterness.

Mouthfeel is on the thin side for the style; an issue exacerbated by the relatively high level of carbonation.  Finish is dry with a slightly warming alcohol sensation.

Overall the beer is certainly drinkable.  That said, there are some aspects that take away from the drinking experience.  A bit overly sweet for our tastes and too thin in the mouth.  The vanilla could be a nice touch but comes of as slightly forced and artificial.  Overall grade for Black Diamond Brewing Peak XV Imperial Porter: C

Up next on Tuesday Tasting: Triple Voodoo Brewing Inception Belgian Style Ale