The first day back in the office is always excruciating after a long weekend. To help ease the pain, we popped the tops on a couple cans of 21st Amendment Monk’s Blood last night. At 8.3% ABV, this Belgian Dark Strong Ale lifted out spirits as we raised our glasses.
Befitting its name, Monk’s Blood pours a deep reddish mahogany. A finger and a half of off white head settles and then dissipates rather quickly. Lacing is on the light side given the beer’s Belgian heritage.
Big notes of dark fruit upfront in the form of fig, plum, and raisin. Sweeter aromas of brown sugar and vanilla add a layer of complexity. Yeast notes are distinctly Belgian and lay the foundation upon which the aforementioned aromas are built.
Bready malt hits the front of the tongue and is quickly overshadowed by the dark fruit present in the nose. Ripe cherry, prune, and fig dominate the middle. Finish is complex, long, and includes vanilla, earthiness, brown sugar, and some spice. Just a hint of alcohol reminds you pace yourself.
Mouthfeel is medium to medium-full. Carbonation is relatively low and appropriate for the style. Alcohol is slightly warming and pleasant.
Only in this day and age would you find a Belgian beer in a can! With such unconventional packaging, it would be easy to be biased against this beer. Fight through this bias as Monk’s Blood is certainly worth a try. Overall grade for Monk’s Blood: B-
21st Amendment Monk’s Blood
Up next on Tuesday Tasting: Ale Industries Someone Talked