Prohibition may have ended in 1933, but that hasn’t stopped many states from passing equally absurd laws relating to alcohol. Some of these laws make perfect sense like Fairbanks, Alaska’s law that bans serving alcohol to a moose. Others are a bit more confusing like Louisiana’s law that allows an alcohol license to be issued to any type of business except donut shops. Hapa’s has summarized some of these laws to help keep our readers out of legal trouble. There has got to be some good stories behind these laws!
Alaska knows that moose can’t hold their alcohol
It is illegal to ride a horse while intoxicated.
It is illegal for liquor stores to sell cold soft drinks. However, they are allowed to sell such drinks at room temperature.
In Ames, Iowa it is illegal for a man to have more than three sips of beer while in bed with his wife.
Iowa’s most wanted
It is NOT illegal to be intoxicated in public.
It is illegal to sit on a curb and drink beer from a bucket.
It is illegal for a bar to serve beer unless it is simultaneously cooking a kettle of soup.
North Dakota
It is illegal for beer and pretzels to be served at the same establishment.
It is illegal to get a fish drunk.
Encyclopedia Britannica is banned because it contains a recipe for homebrewing.
Book learnin’ not allowed!