The big beer companies will have you believe that all beers should be served on the edge of being frozen. That’s just not the case. Beer, like wine, should be served at different temperatures depending on the style. This is a good topic for another day, but today we focus on ice cold beers.
If you’ve been reading this blog for awhile, you know we’re big fans of the Discovery Channel and we’re always up for an episode of MythBusters. Last year the MythBusters crew tested the myth that beer could freeze instantly when cooled and given a short sharp shock. The results would make the folks at Coors Light proud. They better come up with a new gimmick to let people know when their beer is frozen solid.
Bonus points: what kind of beer do you think they’re using for this experiment (our bet is that the producers spared no expense and went with the High Life)?
Double bonus points: anyone else have a secret crush on Kari?