Last week’s Tuesday Tasting took us all the way to the Netherlands so we decided to keep it relatively local this week.  Lucky Bastard Ale hails from Stone Brewing Co. in Escondido, CA; a quick jaunt down the 5 (if there is such a thing in Southern California) from Hapa’s hometown of San Francisco.  This brew is a special release to commemorate the 13 year anniversary of Stone Brewing’s iconic Arrogant Bastard. Classified as an American Strong Ale, it certainly lives up to that billing packing an impressive 8.5% ABV.  Don’t let the label scare you, anyone who tries this limited release blended beer will they are better for it.

Without further ado:

Lucky Bastard pours a medium brown with hints of red.  The light brown head reached two fingers and dissipated relatively quickly but left a nice lace on the side of the glass.

Smells of wet pine needles hit the nose immediately leaving the mouth watering for the big flavors that are sure to follow.  Upon further examination, dried apricot announces it presence followed by citrus, and perhaps a hint of vanilla.

The aggressive hopping of this beer produces tastes that will tantalize your tongue more than the previous alliteration.  However, this beer is more complex than just strong hop flavors.  The bitterness is well balanced with sweet maltiness and a slight roastiness.  The beer finishes long with a slight oakyness and a reminder that hops are king in this ale.

A medium to full bodied beer is relatively dry in the mouth.  Carbonation is just about right boarding on too light.

Complex flavors from the high hopping rate and blended nature of this beer make it a very enjoyable pint.  This isn’t the beer you choose when playing a game a flip cup, but would be an excellent choice with a good meal like grilled lamb or a nice steak.  Overall grade for Lucky Bastard Ale: B+

Lucky Bastard Ale

Up next on Tuesday Tasting: Serpent’s Stout.